Which Tacky Souvenirs Discovered Their Way Into Your Bag?


We’re all guilty, don’t really feel as well terrible. It could have been the gold, waving cat from Hong Kong that you purchased for Aunt Mabel, the “I Appreciate Hawaii” picture frame from the resort present shop, or even a certain wooden toilet seat, total with Spanish flag and a particular male appendage. We’ve all bought them at 1 point or one more, no matter if we want to admit it, or not.

I’m typically a backpacker when traveling, so my baggage needs to remain tiny and light: I go for patches. As anti-trinket as I am, I’ve observed parts of cities I never would have if it weren’t by means of a search for these little guys — that is my excuse, anyways. Beijing, I will usually keep in mind for this: who knew it would be so difficult to find a Chinese flag patch in China?

Lately, Wanderlust shared a prime ten tackiest souvenirs persons maintain buying on their travels. Number one particular is a gravy boat with a picture of Saint Thérèse de Lisieux. I appreciate their suggestion primarily based on the number of smoking related products on the list, “Perhaps some enterprising business could sell a smoker’s gift set containing the donkey cigarette dispenser, the Chairman Mao lighter and the Virgin Mary ashtray?”

Here’s the million dollar question… “What awful souvenir has made itself into your baggage?” (and be sincere!) Mine, cringe, is a Betty Boop statue for my grandma. For grandma, I swear.


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