The Significance Of Travel Playlists

In some cases, traveling wants a small sensory increase. Even though the sights, smells and sounds can be overwhelming, there is absolutely nothing like a song that perfectly captivates a moment in your travels.

I have normally been a fan of generating a playlist for a lengthy flight, nights spent in so I can take a break, or when I know there is going to be a tedious automobile/bus ride. I also get motion sickness if I study when moving more quickly than a slow stroll, so music has become my travel haven. No matter if it was ¨20 Dollar¨ by M.I.A. playing for the duration of a five-hour cab ride in Cambodia, or ¨Icarus¨ by Santogold permeating my ears though watching a wicked thunderstorm from my balcony in Buenos Aires, I discovered that the music is a portion of the moment. Now, whenever I hear these songs, I am pulled back to those moments.

When I saw that The Globe and Mail has a roadtrip playlists for Buenos Aires, I wanted to share it. Not only is it essential to have a playlist you bring from residence, but it´s required to add to it. I listened to some of the Buenos Aires bands, infusions of accordions and rhythmic beats, and decided to add some of their songs to my personal playlist. Not only does it round out my music selection, but it lets me taste a bit of contemporary, Argentine culture.

Check out the other lists the Globe has or, superior but, build your personal.

By Brit Weaver


About the Author

Toronto born and primarily based, Brit is an avid leisure cyclist, coffee drinker and under-a-tree park-ist. She generally finds herself meandering foreign cities hunting for street eats to nibble, trees to climb, a patch of grass to sit on, or a compact bookstore to sift by way of. You can obtain her musing life on her private weblog,


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